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Greed Corp Download Apunkagames


Updated: Mar 18, 2020

About This Game Turn-based strategy at its finest Greed Corp is an award winning, innovative turn-based strategy game, situated in a rich, fictional world inspired by the industrial revolutions and their destructive effects on the environment. Find the delicate balance between harvesting the land for resources and preserving it to stay alive. Will you defend your territory or sacrifice it to keep it out of enemy hands? Manage the finite available resources to build your army and use the collapsing terrain to your advantage. Destroy your enemies, or destroy the very land they stand on, before they do it to you. Key Features Innovative land collapsing mechanic, creating intense strategic battles Earn Achievements and titles, playing as one of four factions in bite-sized matches of around 20 minutes 10+ hours single player campaign consisting of a tutorial and 24 unique maps Friendly and ranked 2, 3, and 4-player battles spread across 36 unlockable maps Further customize matches with any combination of local, online, and computer players (three difficulty levels) 6d5b4406ea Title: Greed CorpGenre: StrategyDeveloper:Vanguard GamesPublisher:Vanguard Entertainment GroupRelease Date: 10 Dec, 2010 Greed Corp Download Apunkagames The gameplay is far, far too basic. I would skip this one unless you can get it for free.. It's a good strategy game with local multiplayer... but no controller support?. Simple mechanics, not so simple strategies. While the single player campaign is rather easy, multiplayer is where this game shines. It's very easy for the game to turn from what appears to be an obvious win for one player into a complete disaster for that same player. A strategy that works once likely won't fool the same opponent(s) twice, so mixing it up is a must.. Simple, quick, turn-based strategy makes Greed Corp a great change of pace from most games available. If you like turn-based strategy or board games like Risk \u2013 this game may be right up your alley and is worth about $7.50.. You might like if: You like a good old fashioned game of chess or Risk.Greed Corp is a funny ol' title... at first glance it can look like an RTS in turn-based form (like Advance Wars). But in actual fact, it's far more linear - which can be a tad disappointing at first if you were expecting the former. But in further playing (especially the campaign), there's actually a nice level of strategy to it. So when setting your expectations: Treat this more like a digital board game, than a full-scale strategy game.The aim is to basically capture tiles and harvest resources in order to build more walkers, your 'infantry' unit; cannons, one-off ranged attacks; and carriers, an expensive one-off ability to let you move one tile of infantry to anywhere on the board. The fun catch is that harvesting resources weakens the ground around you, to the point where it eventually crumbles into the abyss... so the board itself disappears beneath your feet! This creates a fun dynamic where breaking the land is as viable as conquering it. You can even 'aggressively harvest' tiles to wreck your opponent's turf or cut off chokepoints... and make money while you're at it. Score!Unfortunately, this dynamic is also where the game can get a bit repetitive. In a handful of turns, even the most sprawling of levels quickly deteriorate into a handful of isolated islands where each player is rushing to get aircraft. There doesn't appear to be a strong mechanic of choosing between long-term flow or cash-grabs... So it's more just gut the place and make obscene gestures at your neighbours until the game gives you enough resources attack them.That being said, it retains the "strategic dance" of games like chess: Where each player is carefully positioning and waiting for the other to slip up or expose a weak point. Though the execution is perhaps a bit shallow, the tactical depth is at least there and the campaign is good fun. In addition, the design and graphics are simply delightful and the quirky (almost 20's-esque) soundtrack gives the game a fun, playful and inviting vibe.Sure it's no turn-based Dawn of War... but if you like board games like chess, this will be right up your alley!. A simple turn-based strategy game. Very addictive. Great fun.. Greed Corp is a turn-based strategy game with the theme of survival in a world that, from having its natural resources massively explored, has been deteriorating and being destroyed until it reaches a critical point. There are few resources left, and four factions / companies fight each other for them. In campaign mode there are 4 maps with 6 "phases" each, and in each of them you play with a different faction. The maximum time for each shift also varies in each map (1st - no time, 2º- 90 sec, 3º- 75 sec and 4º- 60 sec).One of the most interesting factors is that you need to use the natural resources to create your troops, but at the same time it will destroy your territory. In the end, sometimes exploration can kill you before your enemies have a chance to do it.In addition to being a good strategy game, difficult in the right way, I think it’s cool how - without boring, predictable or moralistic speeches - it shows the problems of the planet's excessive exploitation; you need to explore the resources to survive, but this exploration can end up being your downfall.The graphics are good (and pretty cute: D), but nothing that demands much from your PC. The only thing I didn’t like was the soundtrack. It may sound cool but it's VERY repetitive and for the most part has nothing to do with the game's atmosphere. It is possible to change the volume of game’s sounds (effects, ambient and music), so in my case I ended up choosing to play with no background music.There is a singleplayer mode (campaign), and a competitive multiplayer mode (up to 4 players). I don’t know if the multiplayer server is currently active because I could not play any competitive match.The game has been in several bundles so it's not hard getting it by trading and it also gets frequently discounted. Either way, I think it's worth even for the full price.* PORTUGUÊS *Greed Corp é um jogo de estratégia em turnos cujo tema é a sobrevivência em um mundo que, de tanto ter seus recursos naturais explorados, foi se deteriorando e sendo destruído, até chegar a um ponto crítico. Restam poucos recursos, e 4 facções / companhias lutam entre si por eles. No modo campanha existem 4 mapas com 6 "fases" cada, e em cada um deles você joga com uma facção diferente. O tempo máximo para cada turno também varia em cada mapa (1º- sem tempo, 2º- 90 seg, 3º- 75 seg e 4º- 60 seg).Um dos fatores mais interessantes é que você precisa utilizar os recursos naturais para criar suas tropas, mas ao mesmo tempo isso vai destruindo seu território. No final das contas, as vezes a exploração pode te matar antes que seus inimigos consigam fazer isso.Além de ser um bom jogo de estratégia, difícil na medida certa, achei legal a forma como - sem discursos chatos, previsíveis ou moralistas - mostra os problemas da questão da exploração desmedida do planeta; você precisa explorar os recursos para sobreviver, mas essa exploração pode acabar sendo sua ruína.Os gráficos do jogo são bons (e bem bonitinhos :D ), mas nada que exija muito do PC. A única coisa que não curti muito foi a trilha sonora. Parece legalzinha mas é MUITO repetitiva e a maior parte não tem nada a ver com o clima do jogo. É possível alterar o volume dos sons do jogo (efeitos, som ambiente e música), então no meu caso acabei escolhendo jogar sem fundo musical mesmo.Existe um modo singleplayer (campanha), e um modo multiplayer competitivo (de até 4 jogadores). Não sei dizer se o servidor multiplayer está ativo atualmente, pois não consegui jogar nenhuma partida competitiva.Como já esteve em vários bundles, não é difícil conseguir o jogo em trocas, e ele também frequentemente entra em promoção. De qualquer forma, acho que vale a pena até pelo fullprice.


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